Part 65: Dispatch Mission Halftime Blitz: Failing Forest/Tainted Broth
Dispatch Mission Halftime Blitz: Failing Forest/Tainted Broth
All's well in the garden. Or normal, anyway. ... well, okay, typical.

In the basement, Rosalyn shows us her softer side and the sphinx shows us its sweet eyeliner.

Looking good!

Also looking good! Sam dispatches the teams.

All this talk about dying forests and the like has got Sam a little worried. He changes into something more appropriate and heads out to examine the situation for himself. Which means he gets to run the Morcugauntlet by the front door.

Yeah, Sam will just be catching a train now, Yuki. Upon arriving at the Main Street station, Sam stops to say hello to Luis.

Esma would make a great goon, wouldn't she? Her rap sheet would be so many pages long.

Sam heads into town and stops to say hello to Shirley.

Sam heads for the park.

The forest looks fine...?

Looks okay back here, too--oh, hey, it's Derek.

Or maybe Derek is the best forums goon. He huffs off and Sam wanders further back into the forest.

Sam's climbing around on some branches when Petal texts him.

Followed shortly by Hopper.

Eggs haven't hatched yet!

Dude, just dismantle it, Sam texts back. You can use the one at HQ.

Is it Leaf's hot tub? Probably shouldn't eat anything that came out of there. Just saying.

Sam is starting to sense a theme in today's dispatch missions.

A scary theme.

A green theme.

You have to respect Rosalyn's unwavering commitment to paperwork.

Sam considers the potential for hilarity. ... make them drink it!

Sam texts him back and demands pictures. Pictures!

Sam, feeling a little railroaded by the obvious THEEEEEEME of this mission, tells her to go with the ice-cube thing. So there.

What is it, boy? Are you high? What do you see under the influence of tainted frog broth?

What do you mean, 'my' plan? It was your plan! Sam just told you to do it because he's a jerk!

... ew. Also, shocking. Also THEEEEEEEME.

Hooray for energy conservation, I guess? Hooray for completing both missions successfully, anyway! Before Sam heads back to HQ, though, he's going to take Shirley up on her offer.

Sam tells Shirley that he colored his hair and it didn't work out right at all and... and can she just fix it, please?

... he meant 'put it back to normal', not 'bleach it the rest of the way out'! Argh. We don't have time to fix it. Sam jams his cap back on his head and runs for the train, heading back to HQ to talk to Jenny.

And don't say anything about his hair.

We get the option to hire Petal as an agent, a campfire, and some jungle paint!

Yes, it's just like that. We get Agent Hopper Green Frog, a nature bed, and some organic paint! Also, a case of eco-guilt that's not likely to go away for at least five minutes. Let's do some hiring!

Yes. Well.

Oh, God, thinks Sam, what have I done? Let's go hire Petal--

Our second uber-agent!

Shush. Go bother Leaf.

Sam drops the campfire and nature bed into the walled garden and then takes a break to roast marshmallows with Petal.

Fancy new mossy-stone wall and green jungly steps, too!

Sam has the ability to run four dispatch missions simultaneously, and it's time to show off just how hectic that can get. Today's missions come from Club Candy and from Gabby's junkyard! Please choose the agents to handle these two missions:

DJ Candy needs the help of NASA! Or, alternately, Smart agents to figure out a plan to get to the moon and Athletic agents to carry out the necessary orders!

Gabby needs the help of a good lawyer, but he'll settle for Smart agents to map the furthest reaches of the mine and Nature agents to deal with the bats and wolverines that no doubt live in the depths.

You can check their stats in the second post in this thread, just underneath the OP.
Meanwhile, Sam will be taking responsibility for these two missions, staffing them with the agents that you do not choose to use:

Twenty-four hours, more or less!